(PHOTOS COURTESY OF EICHI- although i got it from her blog reluctantly but the TRUTH MUST BE REVEALED!!!!!!!!!)One: He only poses with other gay guys. See? Look at all those metrosexual men. Hmph. It makes me sick to the gut. What is this? Him posing with another guy which looks as gay as him. Whats up with him with the chair? I thinks he is paraphilic too.My GAWD!!!!! Not only he is paraphilic....... he likes SM to. MY GAWD!!!!Yea, he might try to act innocent. Look at him sitting there all smiling and what. I got more proof that he's a wolf in sheep skin.He is not as innocent as he looks. Yea, dude. Come on... show the international sign language. Come on...... I know you do.He even tried to eat the bunneh as this gay partner looked on. Maybe he is trying to give the bunneh a *cough cough*. Ewww..... that means he is zoo philic too. Or maybe both of tem are in a bunny worsshipping cult. "All hail the bunny rabbit..... hippidy hoopidus"
Normal guys wont do this gay poses. Nor normal guys would play with feathers...... that is just plain downright wriong!!!!!!!!!Another guy who looks like a girl. Whats up with that? Is it some kind of role play?
(Thinks of unimaginable scenes)
My gawd i think i lost what i studied the past week.
Conclusion: having a guy memalukan the good name of the tuna fish which we come to know and love is wrong. Kids would wake up and say I would want toma instead of tuna for breakfast. That is mencemarkan minda kanak kanak. Then our nations' children will be more tiada harapan as they already are.
I can hear the tuna fish below me screaming! "My gawd! I dun want to be associated with that gay bastard!!! NO!!!!!!"
tuna fish is good for you. it contains iodine and proteind and it is lss fattening. So eat TUNA!
So guys and girls think before you eat tuna next time. I am eating tuna and not toma. And toma is gay and tuna is good for me. Yes?