Friday, 24 October 2008

Tag from Eichi..... about eichi

Welll...... three post in one month. Not bad for a lazy, lead assed bastard like myself. hehe. Anyway to cut matters short cuz I am still a lazy assed being and that I am blogging from the INTEC library which connection seems to fail me a lot so here goess... A tag about eichi

Part One 1.

What is the relationship of you and her?

She is my master sifu. that's why I call her Eichi-sama or ecchi-sama since she is the master of all this cheeky and naughty.

2. Your five impressions towards him/her.

Amazing to be first. I never meet anyone personally who can draw like her.

Randomness is another fact. Seldom meet someone who likes being random at times. The world needs less logic and more randomness. LOL

She is a paraphilic. For she married her camera (she states that in one of her post)

She enjoys pentok (pentok= turn over tables which means throw a fit) over things like assignments or just for plain fun like me.

Loves talking crap.... well who doesnt?

3. The most memorable thing she/he had done for you.

Hmmmm...... playing maple story last time LOL.

4. The most memorable thing she/he had said to you.

"Teme.... Hil-chan. PENTOK!!!" quote, unquote.

5. If she/he become your lover, you will...

I will kick her into a giant well just like in the movie 300. Or slit her throat like in The Sweeney Todd movie. LOLOL. Or slit her throat first then kick her into a well LOL. That way they will never find the body. Hahahahahaha. *evil grin*

6. If she/he become your enemy, you will...

i'm a forgiving person. i will just make her to become my lover. And repeat what is stated above. LOLOLOL

(QUESTION 5 and 6 are just jokes ok. Eichi-sama gomen nasai!!!!)

If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on...

Being more ecchi than usual. Pentok more often. Hehehe

8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is...

hmmmmm........ many reasons can be stated. One thing is if she becomes my lover she will definitely become my number 1 enemy also. hehehe

9. The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?

Kill her... koros LOL. Put her in a sailor uniform and she will probably look like nagato from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya....
Oh....... Nagato~~~~ XD

10. The overall impression of her/him is?
My master....... MASTER SIFU!!!!
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Most of them wont feel anything about me. they will just ignore me. LOL.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Me. An useless lazy assed clumsy blurrr..... ignored being.
Part Two
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state the rules clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. (THIS I IGNORE)
4. No tags back! (I EVEN IGNORE THIS)
fact#1 I am NOT a virgin Wow, imagine if that is true. hehe, I am still single but people says that i ahve a girlfriend.
fact#2 I have a small fetish for girls with glasses but that is a very small factor indeed.
fact#3 I love sentimental music but some classifies me as a rock and roll type
fact#4 When I study, I dun count study as reading something once. Study for me is reading something at least three time and I have 95% of the book memorized
fact#5 I am ugly.... wait.... everybody knows that already
fact#6 i have zero fashion sense. my style is always being depicted as 'old man wear' or "something out of reject pile of a designer"
fact#7 I have a guitar.... SHOCK!!!! I bought it recently and my master at the moment is Chewie
fact#8 I can turn anyone into a cheeky bastard very fast... just ask Thiru (my once innocent roommate)
fact#9 I have a very good grasp on the ancient art of eavesdropping. I can hear whispers going on in the class and intercept them like an interceptor module
fact#10 I sleep on someone's stomach because it feels so nice.
fact#11 The way my mind processes stuff can be too weird at times
fact#12 I am not GAY!!!!!!.....
fact#13 I AM NOT GAY stop asking me or looking at me like I am!!!!!
fact#14 I love guns and knives and all things that can kill. Just ask anybody
fact#15 I hate myself
HEHE..... now I tag,
Ei chi (back to you)
and others who have time on their grubby fingers. LOl

Thursday, 23 October 2008


One funny about Cemara's Internet is that whenever I want to do something online, it becomes so freaking damn slow that I am seriously seriously pissed with it.

Anyway, just two days ago I wrote The tale a Heart so here I announce that Chapter 2 is on the way once I find my stash of weed the time to do so. Anyway, today I am to answer Kenneth's tag

Yay. Here goes....

5 Things Found In Your Bag :
- Old bills and tissue paper (I think it has been there for almost two years now... or 5 years since I got the bag from my brother and I cant seem to remember that I even put tissues in it)
- A torn exam pad filled with notes that I never actually read
- A notebook on japanese words (yes I am benkyoo-ing Japanese now)
- A big pencil case with staplers, 4 erasers, 5 pencils, 2 red pens, 6 blue pens that some finished di but never throw...... and pieces of paper.
- Core Maths textbook that I usually carry around

5 Things Found In Your Purse/Wallet
- Munneh...... wait.... scratch that..... its gone.
- Coins and lots of it(the only thing always in abundance)
-Cards galore - Taxi numbers, Bank Cards (BSN, Bank Islam, CIMB), Tesco card and Bonuslink
- A hidden 100 dollar note stashed safely.
- Old receipts.

5 Favourite Things In My Room :–
- Dust
- My guitar
- My books
- My pathetic comp
- My shirts strewn all around as it gives the busy student look LOL

5 Types of Humans :– (here I have to agree with Hippopotatomoose here)
- Those who rule with brute force or iron fist (My lectures and my mum LOL)
- Those who rule with sheer manipulation (Some people I know)
- Those who subject to their ruling (me to my mum of course.... to lecturers its VIVAAAA LA RESISTANCEEE~~!!)
- Those who oppose their ruling and die miserably in a horrible lonesome death (Like me when I argue with the girls in my class)
- Those who sit back and laugh at my unfortunate events!!! (that would be my roommates)

5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do :–
- Have sex!
- Go for strip shows
- Run around naked
- Masturbating
- Peeping

(IF YOU BELIEVE ALL THAT, You MUST BE A REAL RETARD or so convinced that I am nothing but a PERVERTED BASTARD..... wait..... shit. I am a PERVERTED BEING)

5 Things you’re currently into:–
- My guitar
- Sleeping
- Japanese girls, preferably naked ehem language
- Stabbing someone with a chopstick just for the heck off it
- Pulling some girls' ponytails (Yes Isabel, when u come back Kuching there shall be this in store for ou muahahah)

5 Programs you always use in comp :–
- Firefox
- Kapersky (INTEC deadly cocktail of virus will strike again)
- Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
- MSN messenger
- Soliatre

5 Websites I always visit :–
- what kind of stupid question is this? Of course none other than porn Facebook
- Gendou... download anime songs
- Onemanga... manga source
- Gamefaqs.... game guide source
- Hotmail

And of course after all is said and done back to more porn....

HEHE, of course that was a joke. Ah its getting late so see ya guys around Oh and I tag,

And those who have nothing better to do.... LOL

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

The tale of a heart

(This is just a rambling or sort.... dont pay any heed to this. I feel the need to write something)

Pretty emotional when I wrote this post so bear with me. If your not into emo stuff pls just dont read this. And go watch Youtube or something.

For the sake of this post I will write this in Italics.

How long have Heart wondered in this state of thought, constant torture and pain engulfed its long battered state, crying out for help like a martyr burnt alive on a stake but with a no relief in sight. How long, Heart wonder, have it let temptation carve its own path until became what Heart had never wanted itself to become.


Why indeed..... that is "why" is only a word which brings forth a question which that the Heart grows a desire which can only sought answer to be relieved of inquiry.
An answer

Yes, truly Heart wonder, what answer that will be told to me, Heart mused.

With that paradigm, the heart set waited for a long time. Too long a time indeed the heart sat waited.

So long that even the expression of time itself loses its meaning indeed.

The heart now grow disconcertingly, stepping dangerously the boundary of paranoia and second-guessing.
The Heart now wasn't like the Heart back then for the Heart, filled with youth and vigor was unfazed by anything as it was its own master.

Truly a joy indeed.

Many does not know the joy of being free from temptation, to be persistently vibrant and full of innocence as a meadow of white water lilies bathed in spring's soft sunlight. Even so such expression by itself in an understatement.

Young was the Heart then. Innocent was the Heart then. So bathed with overflowing bliss the Heart was by those who cared for him so.

Till it was tempted by cruel fate.....
Not fate some say, for it was destiny that intertwined them.

Heart grew as the beast of Time strode menacingly by, unknown to any being of the world, sneering and grinning for It knows not even the Heart who controls many beings could escape from Time. It was for Time stood so high and mighty since the start and so it will be for eternity, controlling the fate of others as mere tools.... like dolls on a puppeteer's stages, moving as the Time commanded them to be.

So as destiny seemed fit, it was so that a maiden, strode by the length of Heart's eyesight as he was enjoying the morning dawn sun for you see, it enjoyed the feeling the rays left on it as they caressed its body so lightly.

Heart was curious as a cat at first for He had not known such being even existed. Sure, he had met Greed, a truly horrid monster it was, living further away from this part of the world in the very much gladness of Heart for he not know how to deal with Greed if it ever set foot on Heart's ground. There was Honesty, a magnificent creature with beautiful wings flying ever so high and mighty above the skies as if the skies are limitless and not even once it was bound to the ground like the Heart.

Virtue and Bravery, were Heart's guardians. Clad in glistening armour they were, armed with swords and spears, they stood tall and proud, overlooking Greed and other foul creatures' land and guarding the boundaries of Heart's land. Maybe for these two, no beast even dared to set foot on Heart's land.

Heart had known also Kindness, a jolly fellow creature who bore on its body awkward clothes but somehow seem to fit its character as like the Sun goes with the Moon. Its clothes were too big for its stout figure but nonetheless, it does not seem to bother it at all. Heart very much liked Kindness, for it had the best stories to tell.

Many other creatures had the Heart known. From horrible to all that is good and right, he had known them all.

However, this creature in front of it, were all too strange for it for it had not appeared in any wildest dream it had nor any furthest land it had ventured.

Closer it went to the maiden. Then a few steps back.
Closer it went again, shifting between fear of this new being and curiosity.

One step
Then without it even noticing, Heart found itself near to the maiden.... not so correct in fact. But near to ones eyes at one might say.

From where it stood, body hugged so low to the ground that the blades of leaves caressed against it, it watched silently, intrigued.

How stunningly beautiful was the Maiden was.....
How extravagantly clothed was the Maiden
Gold linen robe flowed down her curved body, hugging gently to her fair white skin like fresh fell snow. Her dark hair, shone brightly in the sunlight that would put even the shiniest of pearls worth to nothing but dust.
Heart gazed and gazed.

What wonderful sight..... it thought.

To its horror, the Maiden turned and walked towards it. Floating more exactly as if invisible angels were whisking her off the ground.
Heart hid.... but to no avail. The Maiden discovered him.

"What is it do you seek for setting your eyes on me? Though you may not be aware, but I know you were watching me for some time now." Maiden asked. Her voice bathed Heart with a feeling that Heart could not comprehend. But it was delightful.

"Be not alarmed fair maiden for I meant no harm. Just curiosity got the better hold of me you see," Heart paused, thinking of what to say next. An awkward silence lingered.

"If it may not be much too ask, may I know of your name and where you hail from?" Heart asked after much difficulty.

Maiden flushed, and answered meekly, "I am called Love. A creature by the name of Time brought me here from a place i could not recall I am afraid"

As the tale goes on, Heart and Love grew fonder. At a point in which they became almost as one. Heart had not known such joy even existed and tranced by Maiden's beauty and company. No one thought what that was unfolding in front of their very eyes were destined to be nothing more than pain and suffering.

Cept for one. WISDOM.

Wisdom, old and aged the creature maybe, but nonetheless experienced it was. For it knew, Love was a maiden long before Heart's eyes were even laid upon her, but not a truly beautiful maiden as Heart perceived Love to be. For you see, within Love carried terrible dark omens.
Wisdom knew who was the culprit, for it was Time a creature so detested by even the others that it was shunned from the land of which Heart ruled for as long as Wisdom could remember. With Love's coming, Wisdom knew Heart was playing into Time's evil hands.

Warned the Heart Wisdom had but to no heed had the Heart paid Wisdom. Many occassions Wisdom tried to break Heart and Love apart for he knows what will become of Heart if he yields to Love's every will and whim.

But Heart, blinded by Love could not see what was unfolding before him. So he ordered Wisdom to be put away, far away, where Wisdom's words and warnings could not reach him.

Sad was the day Wisdom was put away. But Heart did not wept as many of the creatures did, for with Love it was content

Unknown to itself, Time was watching its own ploy unfolding nicely.

Finally, on a sunlit midday, Heart and Love met for the usual gathering they had always had. But that day was to be different, for you see, Heart was going to offer the best treasure in the land.

Long history the glass heart had... for it was made with Heart's own hands and into it Heart poured Heart's very own soul and feelings,
Into the glass carving of Heart itself, the soul of Heart with its accompaniment feelings resided together.
The glass heart have kept all of Heart's soul and feelings as long as Heart could rememebr and he treasured it so that he kept it well hidden from every being's view cept for himself but Heart was willing to hand it to Love, for he had to for he cared for Love deeply.

The Heart's glass heart.
Shall belong to Love that day.

However, came the time when Heart offered his glass heart, though its heart shoned brightly in Love's eyes, Love rejected it for you see, Love does not feel the same care as Heart did for her. A cruel thing to say indeed.

The glass heart that was given to her by Heart, she smashed to the ground.

It stung Heart like a thousand spear thrusted into his very soul. The skies cracked open from the middle of the skies, a dark and saddening brown cloud emerges and grew in a spiderweb-like formation covering the whole sky in its wake. Pain and anguish flowed into him. A feral scream was unleashed by Heart and it was heard even to the land where Wisdom was imprisoned in.

All had been too late.

Time had won like it always had. It had never known defeat and never shall. For it sent Love to break Heart and Love succeeded. Time brought life to Love and it set Love as a bait for Heart to reveal its true treasure for Time does not know where is it hidden. Love owed Time the deed so evil and to Time it seemed ill fitting of someone so beautiful to commit such dastardly deed. But all does not matter now to Time, for Time had won, and Heart will bend to its will however it wanted for you see, the glass heart contained all of Heart's true feelings. With that broken, Heart is but an empty vessel, yielding to anybody's will.

However, as cruel as Love had become as par wish of Time, she could not bear to see Heart suffer like so for you see Love was greater than Kindness as Love overpowered the clucthes of Time and picked up the glass heart and placed the pieces together as best as she could. But try as hard as she might, the pieces could never seem to be placed well with one another as it did before and the jagged ends of the glass pierced and stung her fingers. Carmine blood flowed from her delicate but now scarred hands.

Angered by Love's act, Time summoned Love away from Heart with its great shrilly and evil voice so sickening that it seemed to enveloped the World in pure disgust. Love feared Time greatly, for Time was her master so she obeyed and went off, leaving Heart lying on the ground, motionless.

Great was destiny was, for Heart did not perish that day while he was greatly wounded. For you see, Love managed to piece together the half that held Heart's soul. However, Heart was never the same again as the other half of the glass heart that stored Heart's feelings lay broken and in pieces it was being.

As Time was not heard nor was Love, Heart's soul grew weaker and vanishes bit by bit each passing dawn and dusk. Finally without the knowlegde of anyone, Heart carved out a statue of a beautiful maiden not like that of Love's look but still beautiful it was in the middle of the World. Made of no more than stone, rocks and mud it was born in three passing nights.

In the maiden's hand were a Harp and a scroll..... at her feet, Heart carved out in its own blood...... "Here stands testament of my Memories of Love and for as long as need be it will be beared by this here lovely maiden shall it be"

As a testament of that fateful day the statue stood, and Patience was the maiden's name.

For safeguarding, Heart placed half of the imperfect cracked glass heart which contained its soul on a great tall dias engulfed with great flames for the dias was named as Strength and plain sight it was of Bravery and Virtue so they could stand guard. And stand guard they shall for eternity as Heart, their master had commanded.

The rest of the broken glass heart containing Heart's feelings were placed in a dark gloomy bag of linen, the same breed of linen that Love once wore. Love? Treacherous indeed the woman, but not devoid of care she was. Sealed tightly with a coiled branch of thorned veins in which the pieces were, threatening to injure those who even came close.

Completing the following deed above, Heart dug a hole in the ground, deep into the ground, so deep it dug that it was said to reach the fires of the core of the World. With such great haste it dug that blood poured out of its scarred hands like a rainwater. When it was satisfied with the deepness that it had dug, it placed the linen bag into the hole... its thorns pierced it as Heart did so, a strong reminder of that day which had come to pass now. Then it filled the hole it dug with earth and upon the very spot he began building walls around it. Square in shape it was.

Many of the World thought of pity of Heart for they cared for it and they offered it counsel, especially Wisdom. But again it paid no heed for it was no longer the Heart everyone knew.

Many feet the walls rose into the air. With only one entrance he made it. Finally it was completed, a lifeless walled building of great depression was built upon the land. Ascended into the heavans it did. Eyes who fell on it turned away as first sight for it was very depressing even to the happiest of folks.

Heart called upon Wisdom and gave it a gold key of made. It said to Wisdom clearly but its voice strained by many deep sorrows held within,"Less not be this door opened less Love retuns to my side, if she ever returns. For treacherous as she was, I still cared for her deeply and this still lingers in my hurt and dying soul"

Reluctantly Wisdom agreed, honouring Heart's last request before the latching of locks were heard from other side of the entrance. And from there on Heart was never heard from again.

So this is the tale that is told to you with no lies whatsoever.

For I, the heart wrote this account as the Sun and Stars passed by over me many times and it is true down to every last word.
Like the rock the ocean beats against, I slowly start to fade away in great anguish, my cry soft but vividly projected to those who cared enough to listen closely to the sighs of mine for does not choose its listeners.

Few came forth to my walls seeking entrance but of course they saw no heed from me.
Even fewer even listened to my tale.

Bit by bit I washed away, eaten by the beast called Time and enchanted by an cruel yet tempting maiden called Love for Love was Heart's deep desire. The only and only one of mine, held firm in mine thought at all times. As I hate it or loathes it, yet I still cared for Love so madly and so deeply that mentioned parting with Love, an amounted pain so great to bear.

End of Chapter 1: The tale of a Heart.

I just feel like telling a story
Lol, wait for Chapter 2.