Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Hagu chan. Kawaii~~~~

Gimme back my honey and clover~~~~ T_T Yamada.....

Oh, I missed the days of Para kiss. Yukari crying. Awww.
Gunslinger girl. Henrietta letting off her P90 Personal Defense Weapon. She kicks major ass. Man I miss my anime days.
Awww, I know his feelings. Must be one of those fucking days.


Haha, awesome.Man, innocent children. We should beat it out more out of them. Hehe

Btw, terri's bestday is coming up. So I thought I would do something like that. Give her ebola or something hehe.

I stumbled upon Athena-chan in deviantart. His art rocks. XD. Here's school2 done by him.

He also drew Nana. Wow.

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