Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Unspoken wrath.

Ok now I am so fucking mad.

Normally I wouldn't give a damn in this world if the whole world blows up in front of my face but now I am sick. My fucking cough wont go away as the stupid retard doctor only gave me weak antibiotics. Plus this flu is clouding my judgement in class. I lost my will to talk, eat or even make stupid lame jokes in class. I need a consultant or a shrink to solve my mental illness.

I have been visitting deviantart like regularly to see what recent deviations artists posted on the net. I like this particular one by lolwebcomic. XD Its really funny.

Anyways, I am blogging this post while I am in the INTEC's library.
I am kinda scared as blogging here is particularly dangerous if I get caught
But then,
I realised
I DONT GIVE A rat's ass
Yep. Rat's ass.
For instance, there's a fucking retard sitting next to me and he is searching about pokemon and gundam. Dude,
Or a new fucking anime.
Pokemon is for retards and GUNDAM is so last century.
I know, I know, blogging and scolding other people on one's blog is particularly wrong you know? Ethics in blogging...... Wait, what the fuck am I talking about. I threw away ethics long time ago.
Oh the fucking retard is looking at me now
I better blog this quickly.
He's visitting pokemon rumble arena....???
This guy is beyond hope. Too bad I can't take a picture.
Oh. there's another retard searching for Yu-gi-oh fan fiction. Fuck yu-gi-oh. Man, people in INTEC have no taste for anime. They are better off watching bible black or something. Fucking retards.
I thought library is a place for searching information and stuff but most people I see here only goes to friendster and stuff. Sucking up my bandwidth. I cant even search for my bio stuff. I am supposed to do my bio report but I guess to fuck it now as I am freaking pissed at these people. They write comments in friendster and stuff for like one hour and they never get bored. I have to wait for 1 1/2 hours to get a fucking computer. Fuck them. Fuck them all. NOW ITS REVENGE!!!
Btw, I was 2.00 pm when I blog this.
Okay lets see.
I will post some nice things I found on deviantart.
Btw, I really liked eichi's kamui drawing. If you guys have a chance, go and check it out. XD.
MAN, I AM SO FREAKING JEALOUS. Hehe, who wouldn't be? Gambatte eichi sama!
(Man, Intec is robbing me of the joy of deviantart. A girl next to me is searching for braided clothes and writing in friendster? Man this is how freaking bored I am.)

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