Anyway, just two days ago I wrote The tale a Heart so here I announce that Chapter 2 is on the way once I find
Yay. Here goes....
5 Things Found In Your Bag :
- Old bills and tissue paper (I think it has been there for almost two years now... or 5 years since I got the bag from my brother and I cant seem to remember that I even put tissues in it)
- A torn exam pad filled with notes that I never actually read
- A notebook on japanese words (yes I am benkyoo-ing Japanese now)
- A big pencil case with staplers, 4 erasers, 5 pencils, 2 red pens, 6 blue pens that some finished di but never throw...... and pieces of paper.
- Core Maths textbook that I usually carry around
5 Things Found In Your Purse/Wallet
- Munneh...... wait.... scratch that..... its gone.
- Coins and lots of it(the only thing always in abundance)
-Cards galore - Taxi numbers, Bank Cards (BSN, Bank Islam, CIMB), Tesco card and Bonuslink
- A hidden 100 dollar note stashed safely.
- Old receipts.
5 Favourite Things In My Room :–
- Dust
- My guitar
- My books
- My pathetic comp
- My shirts strewn all around as it gives the busy student look LOL
5 Types of Humans :– (here I have to agree with Hippopotatomoose here)
- Those who rule with brute force or iron fist (My lectures and my mum LOL)
- Those who rule with sheer manipulation (Some people I know)
- Those who subject to their ruling (me to my mum of course.... to lecturers its VIVAAAA LA RESISTANCEEE~~!!)
- Those who oppose their ruling and die miserably in a horrible lonesome death (Like me when I argue with the girls in my class)
- Those who sit back and laugh at my unfortunate events!!! (that would be my roommates)
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do :–
- Have sex!
- Go for strip shows
- Run around naked
- Masturbating
- Peeping
(IF YOU BELIEVE ALL THAT, You MUST BE A REAL RETARD or so convinced that I am nothing but a PERVERTED BASTARD..... wait..... shit. I am a PERVERTED BEING)
5 Things you’re currently into:–
- My guitar
- Sleeping
- Japanese
- Stabbing someone with a chopstick just for the heck off it
- Pulling some girls' ponytails (Yes Isabel, when u come back Kuching there shall be this in store for ou muahahah)
5 Programs you always use in comp :–
- Firefox
- Kapersky (INTEC deadly cocktail of virus will strike again)
- Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
- MSN messenger
- Soliatre
5 Websites I always visit :–
- Gendou... download anime songs
- Onemanga... manga source
- Gamefaqs.... game guide source
- Hotmail
And of course after all is said and done back to more porn....
HEHE, of course that was a joke. Ah its getting late so see ya guys around Oh and I tag,
And those who have nothing better to do.... LOL
No wonder la u r so sad the other day....u r nt having enough sex ! Hahhaha...Maric carey bro..touch my body oooyeh know that you can wrap up the 5 things u wanna do in a brothel??? easy-peasy.
BTW....i do visit onemanga....but got brand layalty attached to stupid server-crashing Mangatraders. XD
Gendou dun hav a lot Rurouni Kenshin songs....*sulk*
Damn nirmal... nobody wanna touch ur body.
Lol, for anime songs.... u can ask in Yahoo answers. LOL
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