Monday, 26 March 2007

Cleaning up a dead rat is fun.

Guess what I found in the guest bedroom?? A dead rat. Well, basically it's a mutilated dead rat. My mum and I was cleaning up the bedroom because someone will be sleeping over (One of my mum's friends which I didn't care to know the name because I'll forget anyway. Anyway, based on the crime scene it seems like the rat tried to escape before a cat eventually caught up with him and ate him. This is based on the fact that there were bite marks on its head and partially gnawed off leg. On the crime scene, there is an unidentified organ lying beside the corpse but according to an expert who is my mum, she says it is the stomach. There were also red ants crawling about around the blood stains and the body. The Time of Death of the rat is probably yesterday night because the body hasn't begun to stink. Okay, the corpse was cleaned up and properly buried.... right in the Trienekens rubbish bin.

This is the crime scene.

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